TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Monday 20:00 Python Practice 21.03.15.
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Monday 20:00 Python Practice 21.03.15.

16 Mar Monday 20:00 Python Practice 21.03.15.

Question 1:

Create a dictionary variable personalInfo. The keys will be the information to be filled, such as: name, age, address, etc. The values is the personal detailed info, such as: Kevin, 19, 123 King St, etc.

Question 2:

From the dictionary created above, make two lists (make sure it is a list!!), one list only contains all the keys from personalInfo, the other list only contails all the values from the dictionary.

Question 3:
Count the number of occurrence of each letter in word “MISSISSIPPI”. Store count of every letter with the letter in a dictionary.

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