TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Monday 20:00 Python Practice 20.12.07.
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Monday 20:00 Python Practice 20.12.07.

08 Dec Monday 20:00 Python Practice 20.12.07.


Modify the program we made in the class. Add starting screen as below, the real game will start when play click the mouse in the range of the “PLAY” button. (Scroll down for more hint)

You can download the background images from below:

The size of the background image is 640 x 640 pixels

The location of the “PLAY” button is:
220 pixels to the left of the screen
360 pixels to the top of the screen

The size of the “PLAY” button is 235 pixels in width and 70 pixels in height


The following code is how to load an image to the background

startImage = pygame.image.load(‘put picture name here‘).convert()
screen.blit(startImage, [0, 0])

do not forget flip the screen afterwards to show the starting image


You need detect if there’s mouse down event, you can find code some where in the code


pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0]: it is mouse’s x position to the left of the screen
pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1]: it is mouse’s y position to the top of the screen

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