TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Friday 19:00 JavaScript Homework 22.01.21.
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Friday 19:00 JavaScript Homework 22.01.21.

23 Jan Friday 19:00 JavaScript Homework 22.01.21.

Question 1:
Modify the program we made in the class, so people can select any words in the page convert all characters in to ASCII codes and show the codes either in text box or label. Every code will be separated using space. For example: if you selected ‘abc’,  the output would be ’97 98 99′.

Question 1:
Continue Modify the program we made in the class, so people can enter ASCII codes which are separated using space in one text box, then you are going to display it in the textbox in characters. For example: if you entered ’97 98 99′,  the output would be ‘abc’.

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