TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Aurora Tuesday 18:30 Python Practice – 01 20.08.11.
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Aurora Tuesday 18:30 Python Practice – 01 20.08.11.

12 Aug Aurora Tuesday 18:30 Python Practice – 01 20.08.11.

Question 1

Make a variable and assign a number to it (any number you like). Then display your variable using print.

Question 2

Modify your variable, either by replacing the old value with a new value, or by adding something to the old value. Display the new value using print.

Question 3

Make another variable and assign a string (some text) to it.
Then display it using print.

Question 4

Make a variable for DaysPerWeek, HoursPerDay, and MinutesPerHour (or make up your own names), and then multiply them together.

Question 5

People are always saying there’s not enough time to get everything done. How many minutes would there be in a week if there were 26 hours in a day? (Hint: Change the HoursPerDay variable.)

Question 6

Write a program to solve the following question: Three people ate dinner at a restaurant and want to split the bill. The total is $35.27, and they want to leave a 15 percent tip. How much should each person pay?

Question 7

Write a program to solve the following question: Calculate the area and perimeter of a rectangular room, 12.5 meters by 16.7 meters.

Question 8

Write a program to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The formula for that is:

C = 5 / 9 * (F - 32)
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