TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | PMCA Sunday 10:00 Java Homework 11.24
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PMCA Sunday 10:00 Java Homework 11.24

27 Nov PMCA Sunday 10:00 Java Homework 11.24

Problem Description
A vote is held after singer A and singer B compete in the final round of a singing competition. Your job is to count the votes and determine the outcome.

Input Specification
The input will be two lines. The first line will contain V (1 ≤ V ≤ 15), the total number of votes. The second line of input will be a sequence of V characters, each of which will be A or B, representing the votes for a particular singer.

Output Specification
The output will be one of three possibilities:

  • A, if there are more A votes than B votes;
  • B, if there are more B votes than A votes;
  • Tie, if there are an equal number of A votes and B votes.

Sample Input 1

Output for Sample Input 1

Sample Input 2

Output for Sample Input 2

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