TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Aurora Saturday 16:30 Python Homework 21.04.10.
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Aurora Saturday 16:30 Python Homework 21.04.10.

14 Apr Aurora Saturday 16:30 Python Homework 21.04.10.

Question 1.

Use EasyGui to write a program to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The formula for that is: Celsius = 5 / 9 * (Fahrenheit – 32). Use GUI input and output. You need to create a easygui enterbox to ask Fahrenheit, then use message box to show the Celsius degree. (Hint: the input you get from the enter box is a string, so you need float() to convert it into decimal number.

Question 2:
Please using easygui to create the program we made in the class. The enter box will ask you password, if you get the right password, the msgbox will display ‘FBI Access granted’

Class Review:

Review 1 – easygui:

Review 2 – Sample code using if:

correct = '1234'
pwd = input('Please enter your password:')

if pwd == correct:
    print('Welcome agent 008, FBI access granted!')
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