TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Tuesday 7:30 Python Practice – 21.12.19.
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Tuesday 7:30 Python Practice – 21.12.19.

21 Dec Tuesday 7:30 Python Practice – 21.12.19.

Question 1:
Create a loop between 1 to 20.

  • Print “fizz” if the number is divisible by 3
  • Print “bizz” if the number is divisible by 5
  • Print “fizzbizz” if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5.
  • Otherwise, print the number itself.

Question 2:
Continue modify the war-robot program we made in the class, so that:

  • it will be the enemy’s turn to strike you back. Enemy can only use gun to fire and cause damage between 50-90.
  • after enemy’s turn, if your hp is lower or equal to 0, use msgbox to display message ‘you lose’, and the while program finish.

Question 3:

We have a list of following:

zoo = ['monkeys', 'tigers', 'pandas', 'penguins', 'giraffes', 'hippos', 'bears']

how to retrieve a slice of list zoo, so you can get the following results?

['tigers', 'pandas', 'penguins', 'giraffes']
['hippos', 'bears']
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