TORONTO KIDS COMPUTER CLUB | Saturday 13:00 Python Practice – 22.12.10.
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Saturday 13:00 Python Practice – 22.12.10.

14 Dec Saturday 13:00 Python Practice – 22.12.10.

Question 1:

  1. Create a Python class Person with attributes: name and age of type string.
  2. Create a display() method that displays the name and age of an object created via the Person class.
  3. Create a child class Student which inherits from the Person class and which also has a section attribute.
  4. Create a method displayStudent() that displays the name, age and section of an object created via the Student class.
  5. Create a student object via an instantiation on the Student class and then test the displayStudent method.

Question 2:

Create a Rocketclass with two attributes: nameand destinationSpaceRocketclass is the inherited class from the base class Rocket. Besides the two attributes the base class has, SpaceRocketclass has an attribute maker.

The Rocketclass has a method called launch(), it returns a string like “Falcon 9(which is name) is launched to low Earth orbit(which is destination)”

The SpaceRocketclass has a method called get_maker(), it returns a string like “Falcon 9(which is name) is launched by Space X(which is the maker)”

Write a main program to test your program

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